Third Conditional
Third Conditional
condicional tipo Third Conditional (3ª condicional) se utiliza para
hablar de acciones pasadas que no podemos cambiar. Por tanto, sabemos que la
condición es imposible y que la consecuencia es imaginaria. Se utiliza muy
frecuentemente para lamentarse de algo.
Se forma el tercer condicional con una cláusula condicional y una cláusula principal:
•cláusula condicional: "if" + pasado perfecto
•cláusula principal: "would have" + participio pasado
orden de las cláusulas no es importante: el significado es el mismo. Se
usa una coma entre las dos cláusulas si ponemos la cláusula condicional antes
de la oración principal:
*If she hadn't got the
she would
been very
*If they had known about the problems with the trains, they would have driven.
*Would I have got sick if I hadn’t eaten the fish?
*If they had known about the problems with the trains, they would have driven.
*Would I have got sick if I hadn’t eaten the fish?
I hadn't missed the bus, I wouldn't have missed the
beginning of the film.
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